Girl Details/女孩详细

Come from where 来自哪里:

Name 姓名 : 媛媛Yuan Yuan【231号】

Age 年龄 : 25 Years Old

Height 身高 : 170cm

Boobs 胸围 : 36B

Room & CD Included 包房包套


Central Area 中部地区

$240/60 mins/FJ

$380/120 mins/FJ. + $100 肛交

Please quote seen from Xingfuyuan! 请说幸福缘看见的!




2025-02-05 15:47元杰 Says:
蛇年开年不利,病了几天,翻阅了各个频道好评,媛媛妹子作为今年的第一个目标,结果因为病刚好,直接被女上秒杀,当时在床上聊天调情感觉很好,很想再加一钟。但后面还有兄弟排队,没能如愿加钟,回去后心里怎么也不舒服,于是第二天直接约了两炮补偿自己。 进门媛媛就亲切的帮我把书包放到桌上。匆忙洗澡,洗完媛媛帮忙擦干。浴后擦拭很细致,服务贴心。很有家中娇妻的感觉。媛媛身材很不错,皮肤细腻光滑,相当白皙。一直面带微笑,说话甜声细语。口活很不错。还带舔蛋。进小穴的时候有阻力,还有点夹夹感觉。中场休息,媛媛还会按摩,让她多休息一会也坚持帮我放松。按摩也不敷衍。 情商很高的妹子,聊天特别开心,服务周到,小嫂子感十足。口活很棒,喜欢被舔蛋的兄弟不容错过!和她做爱感觉特别合拍,强烈推荐的选择。
2025-02-01 21:57Sean K Says:
市中心公寓,位置挺方便,媛妹形象身材不错,人照一致,目测168以上,胸部挺拔,腿又长又白,态度很好,口活也很不错,物超所值的体验。搞完后一起坐在床上,一边摸媛妹腿一边聊天,足控优点大长腿。不催时,会返回。推荐程度: 8.50 (五项评分: 颜值,身材,服务,态度,性价比)
2025-01-20 15:03TimberWerk Says:
Environment: Quiet, convenient spot, easy parking with direct access. Clean and well organized condo. Appearance; Matched her photos closely. Fair skin, bright smile, has a natural glow. She had this understated elegance. Body: Her skin felt incredible to the touch. Smooth, soft. Curves in the right place, good proportions, tall. Attitude: Incredibly attentive and engaging. She made everything feel unhurried and natural. I never felt rushed or just like another client. She even helping me with placing my bag and shoes aside. Experience: She took her time teasing, building anticipation until I was on the edge. Her BBBJ was incredible. When we got into the action, she sync my movement with hers. She was responsive and skilled with high GF feel. Summary: Yuan Yuan blends beauty, skill, and authenticity. Rare. Her GF-like charm and attentiveness left me wanting more. This was an experience worth repeating.
2025-01-16 18:51Walter Says:
Booked Yuan Yuan for an early session today. She hadn’t put on makeup yet, but her natural beauty stood out. When I came out of the shower, my eyes locked on her in this tight, sexy outfit — instantly I was rock hard. She took her time, teasing and setting the mood. Her oral skills were incredible, and she knew exactly how to mix it up with different positions. One very enjoyable sexssion. I’ll be back for more.
2025-01-06 22:36Ban Says:
忙里偷闲出击喽,找来了关注已久的媛媛,这次出击感觉挺不错, 因为见了真人发现媛媛身材很哇塞,人照不差很OK,服务也好, 口交按摩服务都不错特别那清澈的妩媚的眼神,床上功夫完美且会配合的,反食必备!
2025-01-02 23:50Kelvin Says:
Finally got around to dating YuanYuan, and I wasn’t disappointed. Tis lady is beautiful, tall and elegent — photos didn’t lie. Her oral skills was a great start. On the bed, she’ delivers', she just knows how to work in sync with me. Definitely worth it, great way to start the new year and I’m already thinking about round two.
2024-12-31 15:31Sammo Says:
Today, I was in town and found myself near her condo, so I decided to reach out. She was available, and I’m so glad I went for it! First impression: a tall, elegant beauty with an incredibly engaging aura. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, and her vibe was perfect. Her oral skills were top-notch, her BBJ deserves special praise. I mentioned I usually have trouble finishing, but with her patience and skill, I was done in no time. Sweet, skilled, and beautiful— she’s a must-visit, offering great value and an experience worth repeating.
2024-12-28 23:44孤狼 Says:
第一次约媛媛, 公寓好找, 停车方便! 开门那一瞬间眼前一亮, 媛媛穿着视频里的白长裙来迎接我, 真实身高有170CM的, 模特身材. 是一位温柔漂亮的女士, 爱笑, 服务的非常好. 我反应有点慢, 一直很有耐心, 没催时间 1.gif 走时还要抱抱, 挺会撒娇的 21.gif
2024-12-20 22:04Tea Says:
一直想约媛媛,之前时间都不合适,这次她回来约了最晚一场。地方很好找,公寓环境非常好。进门了热情的迎接,本来怕最晚一场媛媛太累会敷衍,但是没想到媛媛依然很认真热情,该做的都做了,没有一点敷衍,特别是口的很认真,那感觉太好了,该有的都有,尤其她勾人的眼神让人着迷。带上小雨伞就开干,里面热呼呼的水多又紧,可惜我实力不济,受不了刺激 缴枪认输。下次还会再来!强烈推荐!21.gif

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