Girl Details/女孩详细

Come from where 来自哪里:

Name 姓名 : 可可 (493号)

Age 年龄 : 24 Years Old

Height 身高 : 160cm

Boobs 胸围 : 36C

Room & CD Included 包房包套


GeyLang 芽笼

$70/60 mins/1 FJ

$100/60 mins/2 FJ


Please quote seen from Xingfuyuan! 请说幸福缘看见的!



2025-01-25 17:29Trump Says:
One of the best! Sure mother regrets. Visited twice in4.gif 4days. Planning tomorrow again.
2025-01-12 04:03老乡 Says:
美女刚来这里,一看门时都被吓到了。真人和照片不一样。比照片美多了 ,不赶时间,体贴又温柔。兄弟们千万别错过。不约一定后悔。
2025-01-10 21:23Samy Says:
Very good and accommodating. Highly recommended!
2024-11-12 00:33半夜 Says:
一个字棒 去了几次都不后悔
2024-09-11 15:12 Says:
前天晚上约的 本人相片跟视频是一样的 喜欢被添鲍鱼 可以添很久添到高潮再做爱 爽 改天再约
2024-09-05 19:15Paul Says:
Look is better in person and knows how to bring you to the next level of happiness. Don't miss it. She is the one.

If there are fake photos or bad service, Leave your phone number or wechat ID for us to verify

如果有假照片 或者 服务不好的地方 您可以留下手机号码或微信号方便我们核实
